/BCO-DMO/Taxon-Specific_PCN_Production/killed_controls --replicate eq A-- Level 1

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# Remineralization experiments - Killed Controls
# PI: Angelique White (Oregon State University, CEOAS)
# Co-PI: Adina Paytan (UC Santa Cruz, IMS)
# Contact: Katie Watkins-Brandt (Oregon State University, CEOAS)
# Version: 11 May 2015
replicate  sample_type      date_addition  time_local_addition  time_gmt_addition  soluble_P  soluble_N  
A          Killed_control   03/15/2011     21:24                07:01:00           0.537      0.279      
days_elapsed  exp_type                     label                 date         time_local  NH4      PO4      ISO_DateTime_Local  
0.0016        at_sea                       at sea; autosample    03/15/2011   07:42       0.000    0.000    2011-03-15T07:42:00  
0.0017        at_sea                       at sea; autosample    03/15/2011   07:46       0.070    0.140    2011-03-15T07:46:00  
0.0018        at_sea                       at sea; autosample    03/15/2011   07:50       0.001    0.217    2011-03-15T07:50:00  
0.0020        at_sea                       at sea; autosample    03/15/2011   07:54       0.019    0.190    2011-03-15T07:54:00  
0.0022        at_sea                       at sea; autosample    03/15/2011   08:03       0.055    0.125    2011-03-15T08:03:00  
0.0023        at_sea                       at sea; autosample    03/15/2011   08:07       0.101    0.077    2011-03-15T08:07:00  
0.0025        at_sea                       at sea; autosample    03/15/2011   08:12       0.113    0.116    2011-03-15T08:12:00  
0.0026        at_sea                       at sea; autosample    03/15/2011   08:15       0.187    0.599    2011-03-15T08:15:00  
0.0026        at_sea                       at sea; autosample    03/15/2011   08:15       0.493    0.985    2011-03-15T08:15:00  
0.0027        at_sea                       at sea; autosample    03/15/2011   08:19       0.420    0.691    2011-03-15T08:19:00  
0.0028        at_sea                       at sea; autosample    03/15/2011   08:23       0.380    0.754    2011-03-15T08:23:00  
0.0046        lab; re-runs of time zero    0                     03/15/2011   21:54       0.19     0.09     2011-03-15T21:54:00  
0.0056        lab; re-runs of time zero    0                     03/15/2011   22:30       0.11     0.42     2011-03-15T22:30:00  
0.9822        lab                          1                     03/16/2011   09:00       0.00     nd       2011-03-16T09:00:00  
0.9839        lab                          2                     03/16/2011   10:00       0.00     0.67     2011-03-16T10:00:00  
0.9874        lab                          3                     03/16/2011   12:00       0.03     0.68     2011-03-16T12:00:00  
1.9701        lab                          4                     03/17/2011   02:00       0.00     0.84     2011-03-17T02:00:00  
2.9874        lab                          5                     03/18/2011   12:00       0.10     0.92     2011-03-18T12:00:00  
3.9874        lab                          6                     03/19/2011   12:00       0.26     0.92     2011-03-19T12:00:00  
4.9666        lab                          7                     03/20/2011   00:00       0.00     0.87     2011-03-20T00:00:00  
5.9770        lab                          8                     03/21/2011   06:00       0.12     0.61     2011-03-21T06:00:00